The Susan Fielder Way

In 2013 Pancreatic Cancer took Susan Fielder’s much-loved husband Dan Mears. Years earlier her mother, Guynelle passed suddenly and a little girl Susan was close to, named Jennifer, who was like her own child, lost her battle with Leukemia during that same year. Most would understand if Susan curled up in a ball, wrapped in grief.

But, that is not the Susan Fielder way. Instead, Susan’s initial thought was “how can I help other people knowing what I know now.”

My Living Legacy is the result.

A musician/song writer, artist, poet, designer, writer, and highly successful business woman, Susan is courageous, innovative, creative, energetic and committed. A walk through Susan’s world is an exciting journey revealing a passionate woman inspired by art and sustained by her empathy for others.

Susan designed My Living Legacy as an easy to use guidebook to create a personal journal to guide loved ones in making essential, often difficult, decisions. It is her hope “that the anguish of others will be diminished through the use of this journal.”

Susan believes, “If you don’t write it down, it won’t get passed down.”

Susan Fielder is the Founder of Susan Fielder & Associates, Inc., a sales promotion/marketing consultancy in San Diego. She served on the Board of Directors for the UC San Diego Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center, is a past judge for The Finest Service Awards for the San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau, a graduate of San Diego’s LEAD program, past member of the Women Presidents’ Organization and a winner of the San Diego Business Journal’s Woman of the Year Marketing Award as well as Woman of the Year for the Leukemia Society.

But, all these accomplishments take a back seat to her devotion to supporting the treatment and cure of Pancreatic Cancer, which takes over 55,000 lives a year. Her passion guided her to create a new venture called iPlaid (standing for Intuitive Passion Launches an Inner Discovery). She invites you to join her on her quest by viewing her website  and in there you will find several sites including where a portion of all sales go to generate revenue for pancreatic cancer researchers who are on the path to a cure.

Susan welcomes any suggestions and ideas to make a difference.

This isn’t about leaving, it’s about living!

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