If you don’t write it down, it won’t get passed down!

We spend our lives making plans: plans for the weekend, plans for our career, and plans for our family. Many people today even take the time to draw up a will early in life, so that everything will be in order in case anything happens. But, does a will cover everything? Does it fill the emotional void of the passing of a loved one or close friend? Is there something else we should plan to leave behind for family and friends when we are gone?

My Mom and Dad after they were married. 1945

 One of the most important things we can leave our loved ones,    according to author Susan Fielder, is a collection of personal remembrances. Her new book, My Living Legacy: A Personal Journal to  Guide Loved Ones, is a thoughtful guide devoted to helping people preserve their feelings, recollections, and memories   in a heartfelt document that will be treasured by friends and family.

“In 1979, I lost my grandmother, and I felt her loss more deeply than I could have imagined,” says Fielder. “I felt so sad that my grandmother hadn’t written a note telling me how much she loved me or given me some guiding words of wisdom as she always had before. I realized then that the grieving process would have been much different, much easier, if only I could have read her handwriting and felt her energy.”.

Fielders’s experience trying to cope with her grandmother’s death, as well as the death of her mother and others close to her, inspired My Living Legacy. This poignant and practical workbook deals with difficult subjects in a gentle but thorough manner to bring comfort and closure to those left behind. The easy-to-use, fill out format allows the user to create a personal journal that will both instruct loved ones regarding last wishes and touch them with the legacy of a life well-lived. Included will be:

“By keeping a personal journal we give our loved ones a guide to life and a tool to help them deal with death,” says Fielder. “This is something we should all do, and it is something we should do while we are feeling well, while the sun is shining high in the sky, while we are still at the height of our life’s journey.”

Don’t think of this book as something you do all at once.  Take your time, scribble notes on it while you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, while you watch TV before bed, when you have a thought you want to capture while sitting under a tree at the park.  It shouldn’t be a task, but a labor of love. – A Susan Fielder Fan

Get a copy of My Living Legacy for your family right now... Click here!